Took a small hiatus from this blog to visit Portland (magical) and my parent's house (cozy). It's my first real day back in Brooklyn, and as I'm still on vacation, I did a little bit of cleaning. I was feeling incredibly frustrated with all of the useless crap we had accumulated in a short while.
"It must be human nature to collect things," I said to Colin. "I keep coming across stuff that I'm wondering why I have it in the first place."
"I can think of many things like that," he agreed.
It doesn't make sense to me that we should have SO MUCH, especially since the two of us think of ourselves as minimalists and work hard to not accumulate items. It must, in fact, involve a lot more concentration and effort to not collect things than we are putting into it. Luckily for us, we have a small apartment with little closet space so we don't have much freedom to become pack rats...
In other news, I took my first bike ride in almost two weeks (!) It was a beautiful day, not too cold or windy, and all the snow from last week had melted. Even though I had gotten slightly out of shape from eating eight too many special treats and sitting around, it was lovely to ride through Brooklyn. Still the best mode of transportation, even in late December!