Since settling into our Brooklyn lifestyle, we've bought fewer and fewer bottles of kombucha. Which is funny, because I was so excited when I discovered that a bottle of Synergy and Brooklyn brand kombucha only costs $2.60 at the Park Slope Coop. I guess we found that it was an unnecessary cost, as well as one more bottle to add to our recycling. But now that we're making our own yogurt and pickling our own beets, why not brew our own kombucha?
Luckily our friend Kris, who has inspired us a great deal, posted step by step directions on how to brew kombucha (and make yogurt) on her own blog-http://roomtogrowpdx.blogspot.com
So I found a mother/pet kombucha on craigslist, and got busy. I just bottled it today, with high hopes of some tasty bidness in just a few days time. More news on our home brewed kombucha is yet to come...